Do I (F20) have a right to be annoyed with my bf (M22) about a situation when he went away with his friends

Am I right to be annoyed by this?

About two months ago my (20) bf (22) went on a ski trip with his two friends. I obviously have no problem with him going away to places with his friends as he has gone away before with two other friends separately to Amsterdam before and it’s good to do things with friends also.

But with these two certain friends that he went away skiing with I had a little issue with as I do not trust them and I think they are bad influences compared to his other friends. He went away the day after Christmas and came back on New Year’s Eve. Everything was good and we were out for the night to celebrate the new year, until I see something on my bf’s instagram. I saw a females name in his insta dms that I did not recognise and straight away my heart drops and in my head I just couldn’t believe what I saw, he walked away pretending he was on the phone to someone to ignore the situation after I asked him who that woman is.

When he came back I kept asking who is that person I just saw in his messages and he said that she and another woman were there with a gay man that they were speaking to that they met there. Now my first issue is that a few hours before when we were catching up talking about the trip, he mentioned the gay man but not the two women only until I found out myself. My second issue is that he kept saying that he didn’t want to mention the women because he knew I would get annoyed about it, but like I think I have a right to be? The man and women are in their 30’s and he kept saying this also, that they were older and himself and his friends were just chatting with them because they were such nice people and they met in a bar and the day after they spent time with them at the ski slopes.

He was coming home on New Year’s Eve and his friends were staying a few extra days, so he got a lift to the airport with the man and women as they were heading that direction which is nice but I just have an issue with it and I can’t mention it to him without it turning into some little argument.

My whole point is when he went on his first trip with one of his friends to Amsterdam, everything was fine he had a great time I didn’t worry and he came home with no females on his Instagram and the same with the second time he went to Amsterdam with another friend. But when he goes on a trip with these two certain friends that he knows I do not trust and don’t necessarily like the most, he has womens instagrams. I don’t think I am overreacting but I do need to hear other peoples opinions.

There is some bits that I probably forgot to mention but this is the main part of it. Please I just need opinions.

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