Title basically. What was your reaction when the ex you planned on making a family with, chose names for your babies and then you guys break up for some reason. What was your reaction when you found out they had a baby with someone else?

  1. fucking thank god.

    i don’t want kids, never did. but i kept running into guys who did, which basically always split us up eventually. this one it particular lied to me saying it’s not even thst important to him, but now he posts his kid and gf all over every day. i’m kinda mad, but mainly happy that this isn’t my reality rn, but his.

    i get to focus on my career and relationships and just enjoy life until i’m ready to settle down and have half a dozen puppies.

  2. My ex whom I dated for a year in high school and was super infatuated with, signing my name with his last name and crap, ended up being a teen dad at 18 )we broke up when he was 17) and married the mother of his child. They’re still married today, 18 years later, and last I know they have 3 or 4 children in total.
    Every time I see him (a handful of times in all these years) I always think the same: he looks tired and older than he actually is, but still hot… and he could do so much better than her. How tragic. But that’s just teen me being petty. Logic says they must be happy, so what I think means squats.

    As for my most recent ex, I don’t think he has children yet, but when my son was born he posted the song “goodbye my lover” by James Blunt, and a few hours later a meme that went “she said she needed time, there she is now, with Mr. Time and the new Little Time”. Which was hilarious since I told him I wanted to break up and he begged and begged for us to take a break and some time instead. But whatever floats his boat.

  3. Had an ex who would habitually day dream our future, decided on a baby name, etc.

    After we broke up, he had a baby with someone else and named the kid that name, posting it all over Facebook.

    My reaction was an instant sense of pity for the woman.

    Not only was she stuck with dealing with that dipshit for the next 18 years… but it was absolute confirmation of his pettiness: the baby name he wanted was probably from a different ex and he was wanting to upset her, and had nothing to do with me—so he probably went from relationship to relationship trying to figure out ways to make whoever that woman was sorry when really it’s childish enough that it would make anyone feel relief.

  4. it destroyed me. but i put so much pressure on him trying to straighten his life out for years. he was into crimes. he has black and white thinking. you are either with him, he’s alll in with you or he uses someone to cope with the abandonment issues. he can’t be alone. he gets impulsive if he’s triggered. he was begging me back through out her pregnancy. saying he’d drop her. crying about her pregnancy, saying he fucked up his life, suicide attempts…. he ghosted her. im trying to suck up how hurt i am from her being pregnant. guiding him to call her, shes pregnant and alone, blowing up his cell. im telling him its a blessing to have a child, go be with her. told him to not worry about me. he vanishes. we all moved on. im happy for him. they’ve got that bonnie and clyde thing going on. compatible. it is what it is.

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