In my freshman year of college, I dated a girl for a year, she ended up not being a great person so I ended things with her. My sophmore year, I was single. I met my current girlfriend in the beginning of my junior year.

During my sophomore year, I got around a lot. Throughout both semesters I slept with around 25-30 girls. My girlfriend knows about this, because I was honest to her when she asked.

I have never cheated on my girlfriend, I have always been attentive, honest, and provided everything she’s ever needed since we met.

Every once in a while, she’ll stumble across an old Instagram post on someone’s account, or a tik tok video from a long time ago, where I can be seen standing near/talking to a girl. Or she’ll just randomly think about it. She always gets very sad/mad at me. It’s exhausting. And if it’s not about girls I hooked up with, it’s about an ex that my gf thinks is “so much better” than she is. Or “so much prettier” or a “better body”. I think all of that is bs because my gf is the most beautiful girl in the world to me. But she doesn’t believe me when I say that.

I realize that what I had done my sophomore year was gross, and unnecessary. But there’s nothing I can do about it. I’ve never held anyone’s body count against them, because if you’re not currently sleeping around a lot, what’s the point. I can’t undo it, and it’s honestly extremely unfair that I can be so faithful and kind to her, yet still get interrogated about my past when me and her hadn’t even met yet.

How can I help my gf move past my past and not be insecure about it?

TLDR; my girlfriend is unfairly holding my past sexual history against me, and I don’t know what to do about it.

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