The title says it all. I’m in my 30s, husband in his 40s, we have two young kids aged 2 and 3. Things have been really rough since our second child was born. We both work full time and live in a foreign country with no family around. We are both tired and stretched to the max all the time, the kids are not great sleepers so we still have to get up multiple times most nights. We often fight over the most insignificant things. We are both rather hot tempered so things escalate quickly, we raise our voices, say mean things. Then when we cool off I look back and think whyyy are we like this. I know we don’t actually hate each other because we have glimpses of hope, we do go out without kids sometimes, we do have good days, but it’s just not often enough and I feel like we are both so lonely in this period of life and not able to support each other and rely on each other like we should. I don’t know what I want to hear, feels good to just write it out. I guess I just want to believe that things get better when kids get older, that the spark will come back and we will be able to have a conversation without kids climbing over us and hitting us with a broomstick (my 1yo).

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