One day im chopping it up with my homie and out of the blue he told me that his gf wanted to invite me to a threesome. He tells me the incident was 2 years prior, Now this created a plethora of questions that I would keep to my self out of avoiding any triggers. But my first thought was how?

Both my friend and his gf are straight and I am a bi guy. How exactly would that work because my bro doesn’t like men and I’m just not attracted to him straight up. He’s my best friend that I’ve known close to a decade now, I practically see him as family. Another thing was that I couldn’t see myself banging his girl. Both of those go against my moral code.

The second question is why? I ask it for many reasons but one of them is how could his girl be comfortable enough to tell him that she want’s his best friend in a threesome, let alone want to fuck him? And what even led up to her wanting to ask him that.

But despite those questions, the one I wonder most is how exactly are threesomes arranged? Where do you even start? What motivates someone to orchestrate a threesome? I know I said ONE but there’s too many to ask in this situation. Now I’m not exactly against a threesome, but I draw the line when its my friend and their partner. Personally I feel like if I want to do a threesome then all parties have to be single or else it turns into disaster.

I feel like there’s a great chance that I am overthinking it and there shouldn’t be much thought to it since lots of time has passed but this is one of those thoughts that can’t seem to get away. If anyone can help me then it would really be appreciated. I need some type of answer.

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