I’ve (21F) been dating this guy (21M) for a couple of weeks. Just some background he worked at my job and we would flirt and banter constantly before he asked me out and we clicked the chemistry was great and he recently asked me to be his gf. A condition of me being his gf was he couldn’t work at that job anymore (we work at a chain restaurant) for the sake of just keeping it clean and drama free. His ex girlfriend works there too so we never went public we kept our distance to keep it from seeming like we were together. However today was his last day and his ex girlfriend completely flipped out on him because she claims she knew he was with someone else and he was embarrassing her. She through a drink at his face in front of all our coworkers and then proceeded to shout obscenities. It didn’t end there, towards the end of the day she threatened me by my car saying she knew it was me and that I was next and disgusting for messing with him.

Me and him talked about it and he doesn’t want this to change us but I think it does, the bad gut feeling isn’t going anywhere but I’m sad because I like him a lot but I don’t know anymore. That was his last day but I still need to show my face and I’m just sad about the whole situation.

What should I do?

  1. Why was she not sent home at minimum after throwing a drink in his face. Go to your manager and tell them of her threats and behavior.

  2. Wait a minute, he’s quitting his job to date you? Does he have another job lined up? How unfortunate if he quit his job and now you’re bowing out.

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