I (39m) matched with a woman (30f) back in 2022. She lives a solid drive away from where I live. We got to know each other pretty well over the phone and through text. We had met up and had dinner and hooked up a few times that spring and we liked each other well enough.

Through the course of us talking, we knew of each other’s goals. She wants to stay in her area near her family and buy a house so she can stay close to her nieces and nephews. I was already in the process of buying a house in my area so that I can stay close to work and my family. We had only been seeing each other for a few months. I thought that since our goals didn’t really line up that maybe it’d be better (for me at least) to break up and live our separate lives, so we did. We agreed later to keep a friendly conversation going.

Flash forward to a week or two ago, we started talking a bit more frequently than we had been. We planned for her to come out to visit my place on one of my weekends home (I’m a truck driver), which was this past weekend. We went to a local marketplace to look at all the vendors’ wares, I cooked us dinner, and we cuddled while watching TV. It was nice. Before we were about to go to sleep, I kissed her, to which she said, “I was wondering when you were gonna do that…” And we kissed some more which led to hooking up again.

We definitely have good chemistry together, and we’re looking forward to seeing each other more after this great weekend. We haven’t put a label on it yet, and we’re still figuring out what it is we hope to do in the future. My biggest issue isn’t the distance, but that she still lives with her parents and a few of her grown siblings. So going to see her requires a hotel room whenever I go. But I live alone, so things are less demanding at my place. But I’m also mature enough to admit that it wouldn’t be fair to her to drive to see me every time. I make good money at my job, and I don’t want to complain (even though I love to complain, LOL) but it definitely costs me more than her to go see her than for her to come to me. It’s a conundrum, I know.

Any advice would be appreciated, and Thank You in advance to the fine people of Reddit.

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