Well, I took a look at search results for BW inter-racial dating (curious about it), but the worst part was the view of black women… (this one image comparing BW WW AW)

Do I actually have to be super skinny? If my skin tone gets darker, I’m ugly? My lip size is unappealing? Wide hips are unappealing too? Am I too opinionated and not “docile” enough (ew sorry 😭😭)

Don’t even get me started about dating within your race. 😭

I think overall it just made me think that they just found black women as a whole unattractive, which (obviously as a BW, 18) hurt my feelings.

I’m relatively quiet; bubbly when I’m comfortable with people and I am pretty short (so hopefully not intimidating). So it saddens me to actually see how hard it is for BW (not saying other races don’t have their own struggles, but this one particular case I can speak on better).

I live in the UK that is reasonably diverse, but it worries me that the view is potentially here too😭😭

So, BW, how are you guys doing (esp. Gen Z) and men, what are things that make you go/not go for BW (out of curiosity, I would just like to hear your thoughts).

I don’t have a type per say (race wise), but I wouldn’t date anyone I’m not attracted to (looks + personality wise, which are subjective).

I’ve dated different races and haven’t seen a difference except for personality, hence why I would say it doesn’t bother me but I do have to be aware it may be an issue for others, but I don’t understand why.

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