after the last time we had sex, almost 2 weeks ago, i realized he just didn’t seem as into it as he used to be. it’s not like we had crazy sex but he used to kiss me more now he doesn’t, he used to touch me more now he doesn’t. i noticed it felt more like a check list at this point, do this for a little then do this then have sex then done and right to bed.
the position we’ve been doing he seems to like, he’s been doing it anytime we have sex now but it makes me feel really exposed and self conscious (idk if that makes sense considering it’s sex you’re already exposed?) i just don’t like it all that much and so im kinda in my head the whole time so i haven’t been finishing, ive asked him to help me with a toy but last time i asked he just didn’t look that into it so i faked it and we went to bed.
tonight was the same thing except for the first time i went to the bathroom and started crying, i don’t know why. i don’t know what to say to him, i don’t want him to feel like he’s bad at sex we’ve had great sex before, i don’t want him to feel bad or anything either but after sex he immediately passes out and im just… here. i don’t know what to do or say?

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