I (23F) have been friends with this guy (23M) since the 4th grade. I’ve known him almost 15 years. We went to the same high school and even went to junior prom together. I’ve always had a feeling he liked me but he never made a move. Throughout the years we’ve been in separate relationships and after high school didn’t speak for a few years but he always texts me on my birthday, Christmas, and Valentine’s Day.

A few years back he sent me flowers to my house on Valentine’s Day. This morning he texted me a really sweet message but I can’t tell if it’s romantic or platonic. It’s like, I do like him and I know he would be a really great partner, but he never makes a move with me. He’ll flirt a little bit and then retract. When we were kids I always thought “well maybe he’s nervous”, but he is open with other woman so I don’t get it.

I would be with him if he ever asked me out. In the same token I’ve known him so long and I wouldn’t want to ruin a friendship. Part of me feels like at this point it would be awkward if we did start something serious.

Maybe I should make a move ? I’ve always given him hints that if he just asks me out I would say yes but like I said it seems like he chickens out and retracts. Not sure if I should just flat out ask him if he likes me but I don’t want to be too straight forward. What should I do 😭😭

**TL;DR;** : This is a sample summary of the TLDR rule, just copy the text in gray box. Is this going the right way?

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