So I have a bad problem where I can only think about talking about myself most of the time. I’ll dominiate a conversation talking about my own ideas and showing my interest. The other person will hardly add anything to say, when they do I don’t know how or don’t care to encourage them to speak more. Despite feeling so bored being around these people, I feel drawn to them for their attention. I spoke to my counselor the other day about this problem. She just told me about using open-ended questions and other techniques to get a convo going. I know how to do that. My problem is having genuine interest. I’m certain people can tell when I’m not really interested, and that discourages them. Even yesterday when hanging with a friend I just bluntly told her to start talking about something. She didn’t know what to talk about. Also doesn’t help that I have episodes where I just lose interest in everything at random lol.

So how do I train myself to have more intersest in others, instead of just feeding my desire for attention?


Looks like I’m made the mistake of having my self loathing paint me as a terrible person lol. My mind is so broken so it’s really hard for me to know what kind of person I am. I have friends that would say I’m not a bad person and I am caring. I really don’t want to be seen as a terrible person, even now I’m crying over it. So would you please ask me questions to get a better understanding of what kind of person I am before judging me by my self hate fueled post? I’m sorry.

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