Hi, so my Boyfriend of 6 months and I have been trying to figure out how to handle going long distance for 3 months (study purposes for him) so both of us are happy. The decision was open relationship, but staying honest with each other and still giving each other most of the attention, if we do end up fucking another person.About a week ago, we were talking about our plans for the upcoming 3 months and he said the thing he’s looking forward to the most is “getting to fuck his old fwb again”. I was really hurt, but reasoned that it was only a fwb situation and maybe she was willing to do some things that I wasn’t and he just wanted to experience it again. But now I’m not so sure about that anymore, because he started showing me pictures of her and telling me stories about her too. I’m really undecided now if I actually want to continue with this open relationship idea. I love him a lot, but the way he hurts me just makes me question whether he loves me too.


Edit: Ok wow half the people here are fucking destroying me for being in love with a fucking dickhead. I’m sorry I can’t control who my hormones have decided to froth over. But I’m trying to stay open to advice (some of you have been lovely, thank you) and some people make me want to shut down completely. I’m 18 ffs I know I have a lot to learn so please help me with it and not shun me for it.

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