Did I get played?

I (25F) was seeing this guy (27M) who I genuinely felt like we were very compatible and that things were headed in the right direction. He had consistently made an effort to see me multiple times a week, brought me flowers, brought up being exclusive, we picked and bought a new book to read so we could read one together, and he introduced me to his parents (which was the last time I saw him).

However, after he returned from a family trip he ended things with me. Saying that he has too much going on in his life (which he wouldn’t specify, but he did mention something similar once before and didn’t elaborate then either) to be in a relationship/doesn’t want to be half in half out. I asked multiple times if he just is no longer into me because I’d rather hear that but he said he was being genuine.

As a side note, he did recently get laid of from his job and has been trying to get into grad school.

As a women I feel like I wouldn’t let those things hold me back (however, he made it seem like there are other things going on that he didn’t tell me), but would it be different for a man? Would being laid off / being unsure of your career hold you back from a relationship? Or did I get played?

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