What freedoms should Americans have that they don’t?

  1. The freedom to exercise constitutionally protected rights equally in every state and territory.

  2. If I want to fly a plane under the St. Louis Arch without the FAA getting all pissy, only God himself should be able to stop me. 

  3. Oh god you are gonna get me put in Reddit jail lol cause do I have a hot take for you.

    If my government can shoot me with it, then I want the ability to be able to purchase it myself.

  4. I’d like the freedom to choose what I do for a living without health care being part of the decision.

  5. We don’t directly elect a President which seems very un-American given that the people should elect a President.

  6. Women who need hysterectomies ir even eant thrm often get told no because “what if you want children” or the best of “what if a future man you havent met yet wants kids”

    Having freedom over healthcare would be awesome

  7. I would like the restriction that Congress has to follow the laws they pass. I would also like laws to only be passed by Congress and not via some proxy government agency.

  8. Honestly I don’t think the issue here is about freedoms we are more or less free to do anything we want with very few exceptions. The issue in the US are the limits put in place by financial barriers. As someone else stated a lot of us have to choose our jobs based on whether or not it offers healthcare. If I would wish for anything it would be that our healthcare system was cleaned up and there were more protections put in place to support the lower classes. That would be true freedom, the ability to not worry about going to the doctor or worry about losing your home or not being able to eat because you lose your job. That is freedom

  9. When I was in China I bought Cuban rum, on a Sunday, from a 7-11 and that’s three things that are illegal in North Carolina right there.

  10. The big one I can think of that is an actual freedom rather than a social program is bodily autonomy. Many states limit women’s bodily autonomy by way of restrictive abortion or birth control laws. Also, I think if you want to do drugs—any drugs—you should be able to as long as you don’t become a problem for society. In general, you should be able to do virtually anything with your own body as long as it doesn’t harm anyone else in a tangible way.

  11. Freedom to willingly die. If someone has a poor quality of life due to irreversible health issues, they should have the option to end it. Alzheimer’s, terminal cancer, disfigurement, whatever it is, if someone decides life isn’t worth experiencing it, then it’s cruel to force them to live anyway.

  12. Americans should have the right to recover personal injury and punitive damages from someone who has qualified immunity because judicial doctrine arbitrary decided it exists and decided to interfere in purely political matters, something to which it claims it does not.

  13. My corpse should have the freedom to be burned on a funeral pyre on my front lawn. Have you seen funeral costs lately?

  14. Freedom to know where our tax dollars go. I already know they go into politicians’ pockets, but I’d think the transparency would help dissuade it.

  15. To build whatever the heck I want on my property, to collect rainwater, own anything that would be considered an NFA item.

    I know the rainwater thing isn’t everywhere, but it’s still a right that shouldn’t be denied to any US citizen.

  16. The freedom to talk to a therapist about suicidal thoughts without any possibility of being involuntarily hospitalized. For some people (like me) the alternative to this is lying to them and not getting any professional help for those feelings which can actually increase the risk of attempting

  17. Though one thing i always found weird, is that women under a certain age or with less than x amount of kids CANNOT have a hysterectomy easily (age and kid count varies from state to state), i think that’s kinda not cool. My family has a really bad case of fibroids, my mom was around 50 when they gave her permission to have a hysterectomy. She wasnt married and she only had me, and always used that “What if you or if you get married your husband wants more kids” excuse. I’m pretty sure by the time someone hits at least 40 they know if they want more kids or not. Even if someone is 20 and want one, let them live with the regret if they have it, or let them enjoy being child free (It’s the same caveat with an abortion, let them regret or enjoy it).

  18. Actual freedom of protest and right to bear arms.

    If you could be snatched off the street and arrested for participating in a demonstration, you do not have the right to protest

    If your shooting by law enforcement is defended by “we thought they had a gun” when they didn’t have a weapon so no threatening action could have been done, you do not have the right to the arms.

  19. The Right to Repair (and other general licensing vs ownership related matters).

    If I buy something, it should be mine to do with as I see fit.

  20. Freedom to invest in what you want. Accredited investors laws are bogus. You can spend your life savings on the lottery but not invest 5k in a startup? Doesn’t make sense

  21. The freedom from this bullshit three-ring circus sideshow of
    freaks here in this hopeless fucking hole we call L.A.

  22. I wish we could count on our legislators to pass helpful and innovative policies to start solving problems instead of getting bogged down in the circus we have been in for the last 15 years (or more).

  23. The real right to privacy, no surveillance like the patriot act

     The right for our information to not be collected 

    The real right to property, get rid of eminent domain and asset forfeiture

     Real right to freedom of speech. You can still be arrested for sedition.

    Right to an attorney, we need more public defenders, and cap the wages for defense lawyers to hourly so rich people can’t simply buy their way out of crimes

  24. National reciprocity.

    I shouldn’t have to worry about accidentally making a wrong turn and driving into New Jersey when I’m concealed carrying legally.

  25. Being able to treat a red light like a stop sign. If I’m sitting there and no one is coming, then I should be able to go without penalty (if caught, of course).

  26. While the right to free speech is federally protected, we really need a good, federal-level anti-SLAPP law. Too many rich people abuse the court system to punish people who say things they don’t like.

  27. I want to be able to buy assault rifles and machine guns without a class 3 lisence. It was something you could do in the US until 1986.

    The rifles we have now are all semi-auto, they dont have the fun switch.

    Or at the very least I want to be able import a Famas. Our gun laws restrict full autos to stuff made before the 1986 ban, even with a lisence.

  28. The freedom to transport a legally purchased firearm across state lines when you are legally allowed to have said firearm in both states without having to ship it to a dealer 

  29. To be able to drink in public. If I want to have a beer on the beach or as I’m walking down the sidewalk, I should be able to.

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