
I’m 25M, and it is fair to say that my personality changed like a hurricane in the last five years!!

So 5 years back, I had an amazing personality to be honest, very confident, funny, sociable and calculated. I knew every aspect of my personality and I was happy during that time. Like literally my idol is myself back from 5 years ago..!

Then the personality changed in subsequent years, so I started “not knowing myself” but it was still great in my opinion even two years ago.

Now though, I feel like I’ve lost my “touch”, became nervous, unable to socialise, boring. It’s like I’m watching my worst nightmare come true.. So my question is, is it possible to regain your old personality or is it not??

Sometimes when I talk to people I know from the past I feel like my personality is still there and I talk just like I used to 5 years ago (not always the case).. But I really want to regain my old self how’s that possible?

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