So I’m a girl and I date guys. I have no idea who is supposed to make the first move. I always tell guys to let me make the first move cuz I need time to feel comfortable but I’ve faced so many weird experiences that idk.

1. My first relationship the guy made the first move and I felt very violated
2. Second dude, I asked and then made the first move. He called me later and said it was too soon but he liked it 🙁 but after that he kept making moves on me and me very uncomfortable.
3. I made the first move. The guy didn’t complain and was happy
4. I made a move after asking. The guy got upset cuz I wouldn’t do wat he wanted and called me a turn off for making the first move
5. Guy held my hand, I tried kissing him, he kissed back. I guess we both sorta made the first move. He seemed happy
6. No one’s made a move yet. Idk if I should wait

Men do u feel emasculated if the girl initiates things? From my past experience, I get blamed if I initiate things but then don’t go at their pace. It’s like they say why’d u turn me on if u aren’t gnna do everything.

I don’t wanna mess up my current relationship so any advice is appreciated

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