I was really drunk at a party with some people I just met. It got to the point where some of them started carrying me to a bedroom. One of them was a guy who had been looking at me all night.

As I was being escorted by them, I apologized for drinking so much and causing all this trouble. The guy who had been looking at me then shushed me. He put his finger on his lips and then put it on mine while shushing me. Was he flirting with me? Or was I just really drunk, so he was trying to convey the message to me?

  1. I would had fucking died if somebody put their finger on my lips without washing their hands first

  2. Uh ??? are we just gonna disregard the fact that u were being carried to a room ?? i think we r missing the bigger picture uhaha

  3. Why does the lip touching part matter more than being carried by strangers to a bedroom? Asking if he’s flirting?!! Anybody else see the issue here? Don’t drink anymore if your putting yourself in this much harms way.

  4. After being carried to a room by several men, a finger in my mouth wouldn’t be the problem. But how many fingers and “penetrating” related stuff you had right before coming out of that room

  5. He was politely telling you to please shut up..If you’re drinking so much you end up getting carried… That’s what you need to be reflecting on. Please be careful.

  6. I’ve skimmed through your comment history.

    This is an awkward and potentially dangerous situation in itself, I’m glad they looked after you, but having to be carried to your room because of intoxication sound self destructive.

    Have you ever thought about therapy? There seems to be a theme about not feeling loved and eagerness to impress people.

  7. It was a kiss. Maybe he was telling you he is interested and will wait till you are in a sober state. Its a place holder.

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