My 23f girlfriend doesn’t seem to want to do anything in her life. By this, I mean there are things she “wants” to do but never takes action on them.
She’s depressed more than she’s not. On medication, and sees a therapist and life coach weekly. It’s been 3 years in the relationship and it’s pretty much been the same except for the beginning couple months. Gf will say she wants to graduate school and become a teacher. Starts off strong in her classes but ends up either dropping the class, not show up, etc. She’s in her 3rd/4th year of college and is still considered a freshman when looking at her credits.
In our relationship, it’s caused me a lot of uncertainty about hers and our future. She’s not career oriented, money oriented (spends all her money/doesn’t save), doesn’t do her chores (so l end up cleaning her apartment and car), doesn’t cook, doesn’t exercise. She loves sleeping, eating out, and playing video games. With these habits, she’s gained 50 lbs since meeting her and it’s not helping with her mental health. I’ve tried to bring these type of things up gently and harshly but nothing has worked. Her family has talked to her as well and it’s always the same thing. Usually when I bring something up, she’ll get upset and shut down/ tells me to drop it and that she’s working on it. I’ve hoped that her life coaching and therapy sessions help but haven’t seen much progress so far. It’s stressing me out when I think of our future. I really do love this girl but l’m unable to help her learn to take care of herself. Any advice?

TL DR: My (23f) girlfriend of 3 years does not do anything for herself. And I can’t do anything about it. Advice?

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