I’m curious. I sleep on the right side of the bed and my wife sleeps on the left side of the bed.

  1. I sleep on the left. But it’s changed over the years. Seems so switch each time we move.

  2. I sleep on the side closest to the wall so that I feel protected & my husband sleeps on the outside because he’s braver & able to protect me lol.

  3. It changes depending on how the bed is arranged in the room. I sleep closest to the door or the window.

  4. Left, think it’s cause I nursed my son’s there close to door. My hubs was awesome. He got up with kiddo and brought him to me, I nursed and always fell back asleep. He changed him, put him back to bed first few weeks. When he was a toddler he preferred dad so he was in-between us some nights. It’s been almost 20 years. I’m on left still. Lol

    Edit he hasn’t slept with us since he was two…ffs some people’s msgs

  5. Right side. Wife on left. Big room bed in middle with headboard against wall. Not sure how we ended up configured this way?

  6. Right side of bed, always. Huge bedrame and bed is in middle of room. My side has the spot for the phone stands, alarm clock and AC conditioner. I’m up super early so always made sense to have me closet to clock.

  7. Left because my husband loves the right side. I don’t care which side I am on.

  8. Left side, further away from the door.

    I don’t really know how we ended up with our sides, it just worked out that way.

  9. Right side in our home, but when we travel outta town some where it changes depending on where the window and bathroom is in the hotel. 😅

  10. Port side me matey. Argh sleeping arrangements allow for me cpap to say plugged in. Be I the male cap’in of this here vessel and me wife be first mate.

    Was that over the top?

  11. It changed with shoulder problems because we want to be able to lie on our sides facing each other. I can’t lie on my left shoulder any more and she can’t lie on her right.

  12. Which side facing which way?

    It’s funny how we get into this habit of which side and we repeat it in hotels or visiting family.

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