1. BE AUTHENTIC: Usually people get stuck with friends who don’t complement their personalities. This is because if you don’t act authentically in life, you will attract people who don’t suit who you ACTUALLY are. This can make you feel lonely even when you’re surrounded by tons of people.
2. ACTIVE LISTENING: Mostly, when people feel lonely it’s because they don’t feel understood by the people around them. If you decide to take the first step in the deep connection process however, people will appreciate it and give it back to you. Active listening is about actually listening to what the other person has to say. Maintaining eye contact so they feel like you’re paying attention and most importantly, after they are done speaking, saying something that actually relates to wha they said previously! It’s also a good idea to occasionally summarize what they said to you.
3. Body posture: Most people know that body posture is important when it comes to conveying confidence to others, this is why it’s on this list. Some of you many also know about the 7-38-55 rule. The 55 part of the rule refers to the percent which we care about facial expressions and body posture when talking to someone. Without an open and confident body posture people won’t be as draw to you naturally and you will have a hard time making friends easily. try this, stand up with your back straight and arms fully extended over your head. Hold this pose for 2 minutes and then try and have a conversation with someone.

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