My fiancee and I have been together for almost 6 years now, engaged for 2 years.
So recently, he organized a party and invited literally all of his friends. For context, about 30 people came. And suddenly, two of his girl friends brought another girl along. I know most of his friends, having met them at least once or twice. But this girl was totally new. So I was a little like “okay…. who’s this?”. Kinda continued just hanging around and chilling until I felt a little tired of socialising so I went to hide in his room.

He came in to find me maybe after 30 minutes and I just posted a question to my fiancee on “oh, so who’s that girl?”. And then he proceeded to let me know that the new girl was just a colleague of his 2 girl friends who happened to work together. Somehow, not sure if it pure gut-feeling or just a sixth sense, something felt off about his answer. So I asked to see his phone, with regards to messages between him and these 2 girls.

And to be horror, I found several text exchanges regarding this girl #3 on the text chain. Let’s just name this girl as “Z”.

The text messages I saw my fiancee sent, goes like this:
“oh Z is so pretty, I would fetch her in my car and you can go take the bus”
“where is Z?”

and mind you, this is about someone that he totally doesn’t know, only seen through social media via his friends stories.

So then I obviously went a little bit berserk, because this was not the first time it was happening. We have been through similar situations, and even went to couple’s therapy for acts like these.
My fiancee then mentioned that this was purely just “men’s talk” and “fun talking” with his friends. After l tried to tell him my perspective, where this is a literal case of “Z making it out of the group chat”, and like it was no longer just fun talking or whatsoever, he got my drift and apologised profusely.

I then forgave him and decided that we would just continue trying at this relationship because we genuinely do love each other a lot.

My question is then, what do I do with these 2 friends of his? I feel like I have forgiven him, but these 2 friends though, like if they were genuinely true friends, why did they even bring this Z girl to his party WITH ME BEING THERE? I just don’t get it.

Like there are so many questions as to how should I be okay with him and these 2 girl friends of his? Knowing full well that they cannot be trusted now?

TLDR: Fiancee broke my trust involving 2 of girlfriends, and now I don’t trust his 2 girlfriends but I do not know how to handle the situation. Should I be a 100% comfortable that they hang out still? Or…?

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