UPDATE: Thank you everyone for your responses they were all very helpful!

We tried the easiest first- me at the edge of the bed with a pillow under my pelvis, and he was standing. We went for missionary. It didn’t last very long haha for obvious reasons but I was just ecstatic that I could spread my legs that far 😄 he edged a few times and finally came and I was so happy!

I do have a small fourchette cut and it stings. We both also fell sick- him with a stomach bug and I’m down with the flu.. I wish we could go again, but we’re isolating for now and I’m back at my parents’ house, feeling like death. My throat has been hurting for five days now and it’s worse. We didn’t even go down on each other (what I was looking forward to the most tbh)..we just wanted to get the technicalities of positions out of the way lol.

Anyway, sorry for rambling! And thanks again to everyone who responded ❤️

So I’m 31F, and my husband’s 32M. I apologize for the long post. We have a lot of physical limitations but we’re also losing our minds from being celibate.
We want to celebrate Valentine’s with sex, of course.

QUESTION: What positions can we try reasonably?

The last time we had sex was in September 2022. After that I got diagnosed with bone necrosis in both my hips and knees, and coincidentally he also developed a labral tear in his left hip.

We are both doing PT. I’m semi-ambulatory, husband is ambulatory. Currently our issues are-

a. Flexibility-my inner thigh muscles were very tight and my PT has been stretching it out for the past four months. I’m almost at my goal flexibility, but I have also pulled my inner thigh muscles on both sides a bit.

Also spreading my legs apart will hurt my outer thighs- something called snapping hip syndrome.

Most I can do is “man spread” slightly while sitting.
I cannot straddle. I cannot spread my legs or bring my knees to my chest without agonising pain. Laying on my side for longer than thirty minutes hurts the greater trochanteric region(L>R side).

I can stand but not for longer than four to five minutes at a time without tiring out my back. It helps to bend forward

b. Range of movement- my husband can’t flex his left hip beyond 90° (like while sitting) without moderate pain. Walking a lot hurts his left hip.

c. Did a 1-week course of vaginal antimicrobial suppositories for BV last week. Currently been off it since Sunday. The symptoms started a couple days after masturbating (used only my fingers). This was the first time I’ve had any infection in my vagina.

(My issues with doggy style- used to be my favorite when we first started out having sex. But a couple of years later I started having pain during penetration in doggy style. My husband says it feels like he’s hitting a wall.
So that’s kinda out of the question? Everything is structurally normal down there, though, like medically speaking.)

I’m a bit nervous (a lot, actually), what other suggestions can you give me in this situation??

Also, what precautions do I take so that BV doesn’t flare up again? Thank you.

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