so i met this guy in september on hinge and we hung out for about a month but nothing really romantic happened and we kinda fell out of touch. then in December he reached out to me and wanted to take me out to dinner, so we ended up going to dinner and then a club on new years and it was amazing and romantic and shit. he said he didn’t want anything serious and i said we would go with the flow and we did. then we saw each other a few more times including him spending the night with me, but talked almost every day. it was really fun and playful and he seemed really interested up to a certain point and then he just kinda started feeling a bit cold. he got into a car accident and got a concussion and his car totaled which was a lot for him and i assumed that was it. then i got bumble to make myself feel better even though i really just wanted to make it work with him and i saw him on there. i don’t know what happened because he was saying all these things that made me feel really special like that he doesn’t really feel comfortable with touch and yet he really likes my hugs and cuddling with me. i saw him last night at a show of mine and i thought we would hang out after cuz we hadn’t seen each other in a bit and he’s like i think im going to go home. we didn’t kiss or anything and it kind of felt like a goodbye. i sent him a long text last night basically saying everything i felt and why i was a bit hurt and just asking what happened but he hasn’t responded. i don’t think he would just ghost me because he is a really respectful guy but im just really sad about everything that happened and confused why would everything changed so fast.

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