Hi, name’s Angel or Sebastian (However you guys wanna call me), i’m 17 (Bout to turn 18) and i’m the kind of person who’s in search for something real, not a one night stand nor people to have fun, but a woman to love, respect and take care of. See the reason i’m here is to ask both men and women what to do.

I’ve been hitting gym for… 5-6? months now, sure there’s girls that i like (Only 2 so far.) However whether they look too old for me, or they simply show no interest (I must mention i’m quite an attractive person myself, also i’m kinda short \[5’6\] but my face makes it up for it.) Anyway last month i saw this girl: 5’7, beautiful big eyes, a slim complexity and the most perfect curls i’ve seen in a while (This’ll sound sooo cliche, but no words can describe how pretty she is). At first i noticed her staring at me, but i was like “Oh well, that’s nothing off this world, i’ve also stared at people who i don’t even like.” It all continued nice and smooth, i was still so much into another girl, but a thing happened last week… So i was basically doing cable chest exercises, she was standing right next to the cage (Dunno if it’s called like that) warming up and pretty much walking around the spot. I once again noticed her staring at me, this time however she seemed to be smiling, and in my opinion, she also seemed to be trying to approach me, but backing away once close enough (She didn’t want to use the machine, as when i was done, she left somewhere else). My sister saw this (She 27 and also pretty attractive, so she knows about this kind of stuff) and her first reaction was to tell me “Did you see how that girl was staring at you? She wouldn’t take her eyes off you.” My reaction was quite the usual stuff. It’s when it all started, i now like her, and she still stares at me, but to be honest… I don’t know what to do. Last relationship i was into kinda ruined my confidence (I was dating a “hello kitty” girl 💀) So i dunno if this girl really is into me, if she wants me to approach her, if she’s only using me to get someone else’s attention, or if she’s the kind of girl who only seeks for attention (she doesn’t look like that kind of girl tho.) Today she was training with another dude… I didn’t feel bad tho, as the guy looked… 30-40? But once again i don’t know what to do… If she wants me to approach her, how should i do it? Should i straight go ahead and ask for her phone number? Should i try and be friends with her? Maybe try share equipment, such as the bench and stuff whenever i can? Please help 🙁 Don’t feel like loosing my chance with a girl like her, she looks so charismatic and kind. It also worth mentioning one day she kind of tried to approach me. I was basically using the flat bench (There’s only 2, the one i was using and an empty one) Girl approached me and asked if we could sure, of course i accept… I didn’t try talking to her, quite the opposite: Always staring at the ceiling, at other people etc… It’s now when i realize, why she didn’t use the empty bench. Anyway, as already mentioned… I really wanna get to know her and possibly get into a relationship.

All comments are welcome, also if this somehow helps, she doesn’t look older than 20.


PS: Sorry for the bad english, hope it ain’t hard to read 😭

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