Bf(28m) and I(22f) have been together for almost 2 years. We recently moved in together, so we have been trying to adjust to that. I recently went with my family for a week to see another side of my family. Bf didn’t want to go but was very much invited. He didn’t want me to go because he thought I was being irresponsible. I disagreed because I told work in plenty of time and could afford it.

I got back last weekend and when I got home he rearranged almost everything. I was sort of upset because I think he should have talked to me first. I didn’t think it was worth making a big deal about it, so I didn’t say anything. I noticed my closet had a lot less in it but thought he put some of them in the guest room where I already have some of my stuff. I realized yesterday I was missing a lot of my stuff and couldn’t find things. I asked him about it and he told me he went through everything in the house and got rid of some of my stuff because it was taking up space and don’t wear them. I did wear a bunch of those things and I know he hasn’t kept track of what I do and don’t wear in his head. He bought me a necklace when I got home, so I haven’t talked to him about this yet because I would feel like an ah. I want to sit him down this weekend and go over it without getting into an argument. I don’t want to be walked all over but also don’t want to make this a huge deal should I bring this up? I already told him not to do that in the future.

TLDR bf got rid of some of my clothes while I was gone. I want to make sure he knows what he did was wrong while avoiding a fight

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