A month ago I’ve made the decision to stop being an internet addicted miserable loner and rebuild my social life from scratch. Part of that is to say ***yes*** to any social event I get invited to.

Today’s the day and I’m going to a college/university party (organized by the faculty so all students are invited, lol). The last time I went out on a Friday night was when I was 19…insane, I know.

I try to take baby steps so today my goals are as follows:

* Actually go there and leave my “comfort” zone (not really comfortable, more like lonely)
* Have one drink (**only** one; haven’t had one of those since 19yo either…crazy, I know)
* Have one proper conversation/interaction with someone (anyone, really)
* **Try** to have a good time

If I do those things then I’ll consider tonight a success. Anything else that might happen is just a bonus.

I’m not bad at socializing with/ talking to people but I’m really rusty when it comes to that kind of informal party setting so naturally I’m a little nervous but also looking forward to venturing out.

It’s probably going to be a little weird and uncomfortable, but that’s okay. I’ll try to face that feeling and embrace it.

I’m posting this as a commitment device and also because I thought someone might be interested in the follow up I’ll give tomorrow. I know I’m always excited to read those kinds of posts on here.


**UPDATE**: I just got back. It’s 3am. I planned on spending 2-3 hours there but I stayed for 6h. I did only have **one** drink that I sipped on throughout the night. That’s something I was never able to do when I was younger. I’d always get hammered haha. I had actual conversations with at least 10 people. If I include more casual 5min talks then it’s probably around 15.

Also I connected with some people who I had seen before but never really talked to. Turns out they are pretty cool and we had a good time together. They actually invited me to go out with their group in the future, so that’s a nice bonus.

I did have fun. I’m proud of myself.

Now my social battery is empty. I’m not used to that kind of exposure lol.

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