Would you knock and ask or just take?

  1. If you take stuff that doesn’t belong to you, it’s called stealing.

    Definitely knock, or just leave their rubbish alone.

  2. It’s a skip, therefore, it is unwanted by the previous owner. If you are feeling brave knock on the door & ask if you want something. Skips are expensive, the more you take the more room there is for other crap

  3. Steal something that someone may not want, but technically owns. Or ask, and get it for free…. Tough choice

  4. Just take, it’s been chucked out. It doesn’t belong to anyone anymore.

  5. Out of courtesy it’s probably best to ask, but I’m sure they would be grateful that you’re clearing space for them.

  6. I’d say depends on the time your taking the stuff, middle of the day knock and ask – late at night, fuck it just take it

  7. There was a thread months ago where someone was complaining people were taking things from their skip. If they are throwing it away and complain at you taking it, just tell them to “fuck off”. The worst they will do is call the police, get laughed at, then the police will turn up a week later and laugh at them again. Meanwhile you have whatever it is you took whilst living a happy life unhindered because they don’t know who you are or where you live.

  8. I would knock and ask, always. Usually people put a sign up if they are giving stuff away from the front of their house.

  9. Knock and ask. Instead of stealing it out of a skip I presume you don’t go through people’s wheelie bins to see what you can have without asking so why do it with a skip 🤷‍♂️

  10. I knock and ask. I noticed an antique oak chair in a dilapidated state in a skip outside someone’s house, I asked if I could have it. Took it home,
    restored it and had it recovered by an upholsterer. It’s worth over £500.

  11. The law is pretty clear that taking items from bins and skips is illegal.

    It might seem harmless, but it’s worth knocking even if only to cover your own arse.

  12. I’d knock and ask just plainly because someone in this comments section might be the owner of the skip and call the police on you for ‘stealing’ their rubbish 😂

  13. Lots of chavs on here. Simply ask, it’s not difficult. We had a lovely chap buzz our gate. Asking to take a couple of kitchen units. He was looking to sort something at home. We hadn’t taken out 90% of it yet, and we offered it to him. No charge. He got a lovely fully loaded kitchen. We saved on two skips.

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