Men of reddit, what’s a nice thing you can for your partner that seems simple but means alot?

  1. Give her a massage – she has a bad back. It’s sexy af, but it’s messed up.

  2. In winter when the bed is cold, getting in 5 minutes before my partner to warm up her side

  3. Spending close time together. Whether that’s cuddling or just being near. We cuddle a lot, But sometimes it’s just nearness. I’m sitting at the kitchen table right not sipping a gin and tonic and watching her cook. Just being near. The other day she was working on something in her craft room. I was reading a book anyway. I just got a beabbag chair, put it by the window for light, and read my book as she was 5 feet away.

    This may not be a thing for everyone. I get that. I know that. But we are a couple that likes to stay coupled. We hold hands when we walk and when we drive somewhere. For 22 years we still sit on the same side of the booth in a restaurant. We’re coupled.

  4. Be a gentleman. Hold doors for her. Carry stuff for her. Offer to hang on to her purse while she shops. Do the dishes. Clean up the house once in awhile so she doesn’t have to. Cook her a meal. Surprise her with an evening out. The list goes on and any and all of these will usually be sincerely appreciated (and who knows, might even get you laid…that’s why you were asking, right?😉).

  5. We are both busy professionals….carving out time to do the things we enjoy together. Whether it’s cooking together watching a ball game or just having a cocktail watching the sunset. Those things are the things early on that brought us together and we keep doing it just to stay grounded.

  6. Gardening is not my thing, but my wife enjoys it, so on the weekends I get in and do the gardening with her. It’s a way we can spend quality time together doing something she enjoys, (plus she appreciates the heavy lifting with bags of soil etc).

    Find something that you can do together that she enjoys, it shows her that you care about her interests and brings you both together.

  7. Grow her some flowers…..then cut them for her when they bloom…..panties will fly off…..!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  8. Randomly buying the gf/wife flowers and or cooking a nice meal goes a long way.

  9. write a compliment on a piece of paper for her to wake up to, something you like about her. It’s simple, but she’ll like it

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