i usually try to approach this topic through a very different perspective/lens.

1. many people usually offer advise based on experience, general data, etc, without going much deeper.

2. My knowledge comes through both personal experience and Research knowledge.

the vast majority of my knowledge comes through Research knowledge and learning constantly from tons of online resources. this has helped me understand things a lot better than many people I know personally, who already have practical experience.

remember that reading online and on forums = compressed information/knowledge coming from the experience of other people. due to that you can bypass the necessity for practical experience in many cases.

3. this point might be slightly different than expected. I’m a person who is highly curious and are Constantly engaged in reading, learning and teaching people around me, or learning from others who know better than me, in order to expand my knowledge.

this kind of deep curiosity I’ve had, has lead me down several rabbit holes. this includes deep philosophy, physics, Quantum mechanics, consciousness and the nature of reality.

after I’ve developed a strong understanding of the world through these different domains, I’ve realized that when you look at how everything works, including people, relationships etc, you could start viewing these things through the lens of science, philosophy, consciousness,

and this somehow helps you have much better clarity and understanding etc,

it’s not easy to explain how this works, but you will experience it yourself when you start acquiring a lot of information.

remember that when you look at anything, this includes people or relationships, “top down”, you are using the wrong framework.

if you start merging your observations with how the nature of reality works “bottom up” and work your way up, your perspective about everything changes and things start to become clearer, and you can better understand and navigate things. it’s almost as if reality starts to unfold before your very eyes, in ways you may have not previously imagined.


so go ahead, feel free free to ask me questions and I will provide advise to the best of my knowledge.

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