I have a coworker who seems miserable half the time. He likes to pick on me about my job or knowledge about the field I’m in which I don’t care for but it doesn’t ruin my day and if it makes him feel better, whatever. I just don’t choose to.pick that fight.

What does irritate me is the shots at my wife. He talks a lot of crap about his wife; how lazy she is, that she isn’t as skinny as she used to be, and that she may have just married her for papers. The first time I thought he was just having a bad morning with her, but he’s talked poorly about her as long as I’ve been here.

Everyday tho he has something to say about my girl, it started with the cooking. When she was pregnant, we ate out a lot because she was extra tired and I’m not confident in my cooking and a lot of things made her nauseous, so I got her whatever she craved. She also works so I believe since we both work, we split responsibilities and bills 50/50. I’ve told him this yet he still insists she doesn’t work and is wasting my money. Now if something happens with my kid and I can’t go to work because we have one car and I need to go to the doctor he says she needs to deal with that by herself because she’s a woman and I need to be here making money.

Side note: he really got me heated today because my wife is trying to make some extra money sellimg baked goods for valentines day and I been helping her out by putting the flyer up here at work. Somehow he managed to slip in that she was lazy and spends her whole day on social media. I don’t kmow.how he got to that conclusion from the flyer but I’m tired of this beimg thrown in my face.

How do I peacefully respond to this.

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