
I posted here a month ago more or less talking about a girl that I met playing sports. I ride her home everyday and she’s very kind and friendly.

I had the opportunity to meet her 2 times outside sports (not a date, just having fun going to the cinema and walking in the city).

The thing is that I’m not ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE with her, but I quite like her. I mean, she looks so friendly and I liked the time I spent with her. However, this is the first time that this happens to me, and since I’m shy, I tend to be quiet sometimes and not knowing what to talk about.

For example, today I was riding her home and there was a moment that both were completely quiet because we didn’t have nothing to talk about. I suffer because I’m always thinking that I have to entertain her and probably she’s gonna think I’m boring.

Any of us have social media, so the only way to talk to each other is through WhatsApp. She tend to reply me sooo late, I mean, I send her a message and maybe she replies me after 8h.

I really wanna talk to her, but I feel like I’m gonna be overwhelming her. If she doesn’t reply me, I can’t keep talking about anything else. It’s frustrating.

I don’t know if it’s just me or she doesn’t use the phone frequently but I hate that sensation. I only meet her when going to sports and I spend all week thinking about that moment.

I ask her to go to the zoo or going to the mountains, she said “yes, of course!!” but still nothing. I didn’t wanna ask her again in person because I’m gonna be to repetitive. I’m completely inexperienced in this situations and it’s hard. I wanna spend time with her but I don’t wanna bother her. Maybe she don’t want to meet me anymore or she’s simply shy like me and doesn’t have the courage to ask me.

How can I approach this? What kind of topics I should bring when going in the car to entertain her and to not be quiet? It’s normal to be suffering from trying to make her happy all the time? From what you read, you think I have any kind of opportunity? What should I do?

Thanks a lot!!

  1. If you want to go do something, just ask. I wish I had learned this earlier in life, but save yourself the trouble and just be transparent. Tell her that you like her, don’t beat around the bush. If she likes you, then great! If not, waiting and stressing over it wouldn’t have changed anything.

  2. Sounds like your obsessed w her that’s the root of this problem. She shouldn’t be your main focus on life and constantly thinking about her is not healthy. If you want my opinion play it cool and don’t act needy or desperate and take some time to really improve yourself physically and mentally

  3. You must double your efforts. Consider camping out in her backyard.

    I have a word for you: “Duct tape”

  4. The truth is that at this point she has made up her mind on if you’re dateable for her or not. Might aswell take the plunge.

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