I find it incredibly hard to make friends

I (16f) have no idea what I’m doing wrong, literally everyone I know has friends. They’ll post photos of outings with friends and have so many people posting tributes to them on their milestones or birthdays and I literally have nobody, and I don’t think I’m unpleasant to be around either, I’m literally always complimenting people and I am also good at holding conversations and giving genuine consolation and advice, and no matter how well me and a person seem to get on like at school or work or an extracurricular, they never seem to reach out to me outside of those places, am I doing something wrong? Is it possible that I’m creepy or weird without realizing it? It like genuinely hurts my feelings at times because all the people around me seem to have these close knit friendships and go out to places and seem so excited to see each other but for me it’s not as much excitement and not even a text outside of the obligated place. I just have no idea what I’m doing wrong and it sucks because I just want a friend who cares about me, like is it possible I come off as intimidating I think that may be true as I am objectively smart (like straight A’s, want to go into a rigorous stem field, good testtaker and debater, impressive memory, and fast-learner), am pretty attractive, am talented in my extracurriculars (singing, acting, and debate and I have been told by my instructors that I am gifted in these fields at a professional standpoint), and am sort of quiet which can be seen as intimidating to some people as I might come off as judgmental. I just have no idea what I’m doing wrong, because nobody seems hostile towards me or like they don’t like me, a lot of people I know are actually genuinely happy to see me when they do they just never really make an effort to see me more. Any tips on how to get closer to people (I have acquaintances and associates, just not friends).

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