So my wife (26F) left me (26M) a few days before Christmas. We had gotten into and argument when I tried to talk to her about some things bothering me. I meant it as trying to bring something to her attention so we can figure it out together, but she got mad and we gave each other space for the day. Things were whatever and later in the week, we went to a dinner with the kids. We had a good time, we were cheery on the drive back, and things started going back to normal. She went out with some friends like 10 minutes from where we live and that’s when things started going downhill. She stopped talking to me and coming home but I had her location so I knew where she was. I tried talking to her and when she finally decided to respond, she said she wasn’t happy and wanted a divorce.

Fast forward to a few days before Christmas, she told me she filed for separation, a few weeks go by and I find out she hasn’t filed for anything but tells me she wants a divorce. I keep trying to suggest we work things out but she has no interest and tells me she doesn’t want to be with me. It’s now been a few months and she still hasn’t filed anything as far as I know since I haven’t been served any sort of papers. It’s leaving me confused as to if she just said that as a way to take a break or maybe she has internal conflict or feels guilty about something.

I definitely want to fix things with her but she seems like she doesn’t want to right now. I’ve been keeping myself busy with work, school, counseling for myself, and taking care of my son when I have him.

We’ve only been married for a little over a couple of years, I’ve supported us the whole time, even though she works, and I feel overall I’ve been a good husband. I don’t know if she just felt overwhelmed by marriage or misses not having to worry about someone or what as she won’t talk to me unless it has to do with our son. She’ll still ask me to do stuff for her and what not. Sorry I’m all over the place. I’m just hurt and don’t know what to do.

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