I’m 18, soon to be 19, and I’ve never been particularly good at making connections with people. Throughout high school, I found it challenging to establish friendships and spent most of my time alone. This is something I’m actively working on improving.
I believe I may struggle with social anxiety, but I’m not entirely sure if that’s the primary issue. I frequently interact with a variety of people at my stepdad’s store where I work. I can converse with customers without feeling any nervousness or anxiety, which I find puzzling because when I want to initiate a conversation outside of this environment, I hesitate due to fear. This fear isn’t about rejection, as I’ve reached a point in my life where I’m not overly concerned about that. Instead, I think my fear stems from the possibility of appearing foolish or embarrassing myself.
My goal is to become comfortable initiating conversations with people, even if we don’t end up forming a connection. However, I’m unsure why I feel apprehensive about starting conversations, especially with people I find interesting. I remember having similar struggles with public speaking. I was never comfortable with it, but after practicing for a state competition where I had to present a design, I found it easier than expected. The fear I experience when thinking of initiating a conversation feels different than the fear I felt before presenting, or maybe it isn’t? I’m not sure.
I tend to only speak when spoken to, and I’m trying to change this by challenging myself to initiate a conversation with at least one new person each day for 30 days. I haven’t started this challenge yet, but I’m not sure how I’ll manage it due to the fear I feel before even attempting to approach someone. I’m curious if anyone else has experienced this issue and how they’ve overcome it. I would appreciate any advice or personal stories about how you managed to overcome the fear of initiating conversations. I’m tired of feeling sorry for myself and questioning why my social life is the way it is. I’m eager to improve, but I could use some advice as I currently feel stuck.

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