My (25F) boyfriend (25M) and I have been together for 4 years, but we’ve known each other since high school. His dad (50M) has always been super cool, super nice to me. We get along really well. I always knew that he was attractive but that’s as far as it went.

Over the past month or so, I’ve developed this huge crush on him. I’d almost say that it’s beyond a crush. It feels like when I first start to fall in love with a guy I’m a relationship with, except we obviously aren’t in a romantic relationship.

His dad is 50 years old, but doesn’t look it. Everybody thinks he’s much younger and are surprised to learn he has kids in their 20s. He definitely takes care of himself physically and he’s very active. He’s very fit, more fit than I normally prefer physically. My boyfriend is in shape but not like his dad is. His dad and I share the same taste in music and have some of the same favorite bands (which my bf doesn’t care much about), we have some shared hobbies (that my bf doesn’t like). He’s just smoother, funnier, and hotter than my boyfriend. I now find myself constantly comparing my boyfriend to his dad and I’ve even said “I want a man like your dad. He’s like the perfect guy.” He lives his dad. When his parents divorced he chose to live with his dad. They’re like best friends.

My boyfriend and I bought a house together last fall. We’re having some construction done on it and have been staying with my bf’s dad for the past 3 weeks. I don’t want to leave. I feel like his dad and I almost spend more time together than my bf and I do. He has a gym room in his house and we work out together every morning now. We went for a bike ride today (invited my bf but he didn’t want to go). We both like cooking and it’s fun to have somebody to do it with.

Anyway, I just can’t stop thinking about him. When I’m around him I’m sure I act like a silly little schoolgirl. That’s how I feel. I’ve been fantasizing about him. Last night my bf wanted to have sex but I had literally just touched myself to thoughts of his dad.

I just don’t know what to do. I can’t tell my boyfriend about it, obviously. I hope I’ll just get over it eventually. My bf and I are planning on getting engaged soon. If I can’t get over it, I don’t know how it’d be right to stay in this relationship with my bf, but I don’t want to break up with him. I just desperately want to have sex with his dad. I still love my boyfriend.

What can I do to stop these feelings? Should I just wait for these feelings to go away and stay quiet about it until then?

TLDR; I’m incredibly attracted to my boyfriend’s dad, I can’t stop thinking about him, and don’t know what to do about it.

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