So what if you’re stuck in a relationship that you’re unhappy with but have nowhere else to go? Such as no family to turn to or friends. You moved to another state to stay with the person’s family, and you knew if you ended the relationship, you would get kicked out of their home. You have little money at the time to do anything, and you’re just unhappy. The reason you are unhappy is because your partner has changed into a different person who you have no feelings for, and they cannot fulfill the physical part of the relationship anymore. (They chose/cannot be psychical with you) even though you asked and made it clear why you were unhappy over and over again. So you try to fulfill that side by talking, sexting, or cheating with another person in secret. Are you in the wrong? Would you take the high road and be homeless? Or would you toe the line until you could escape?

edit :let me fill in a bit more detail; this is all the stuff that has happened. As in 5 years in the past. I had a job and was able to transfer my job to the state they lived in. The problem was that the job was 42 miles away, and I didn’t drive at the time, nor did they. The move there wiped out most of our savings, as we both wanted to move. I loved the person at first when they came to live with me and my father. The reason we left is because my father is a terrible narcissist and wanted to kick us out. So we both agreed to move. I wasn’t planning on leeching, and I wasn’t. I woke up every day at 4:30am to just take a buses/train to make it to work at 7:00am, work my shift until 5:30pm, and make it home around 7-8pm. exhausted (Person also worked the same job, so we were always together.) They started acting way different when we moved and were surrounded by their parents, not the same person when it was just me and her at my father’s place. 

Like I said before, this is all in the past and stuff that weighs heavily on my mind. How terrible it all felt and how stupid I was. 

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