I have been married for 8 years and we’ve met each other for more than 13 years. There are no issues of domestic violence or one is cheating on the other. However, I feel that the love between my spouse and me has faded away. Her changes over the years make it hard for me to imagine living with her for another forty years. I suggested marriage counseling, but she was unwilling, so I ended up talking to the counselor by myself.

She doesn’t work and relies on me for financial support at home. She spends most of her time engrossed in her personal matters, leaving the children and household chores with a bare minimum effort. Our life goals have become so different. The good thing about her is that she doesn’t spend lavishly nor does she ask for much from me. However, if we divorce, I would be obliged to pay a substantial amount of alimony and both our financial situations and living standards would inevitably suffer.

Has anyone else been in the same predicament, and how do you live with someone you don’t feel love or passionate about? What triggers you to take out the form and bring up the question?

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