I feel like a lot women not wanting to date short men is just their way of preserving their own femininity, not them just being shallow. I’m a bald mixed black women and I’ve been misgendered as male my whole life. I’m 167cm (5’5, not super tall but def. not short for a woman), I have very broad shoulders and androgynous facial features. I realized that the only time I truly feel feminine is when I’m with a guy that is significantly taller than me and has a very (trad.) masculine, athletic build.

I understand that this could come across as me being shallow and overly picky, but I feel like there’s a lot on the line for women at all times especially when it comes to their looks and femininity… – I get the impression that it’s always the woman who is criticised, questioned or ridiculed. When an “average” woman is with a conventionally attractive man it’s always like “Oh he could do sooooo much better” – if an extremely beautiful woman is with an “ugly” guy she’s being accused of being a gold digger or having an ulterior motive to date someone that’s supposedly beneath them.

Idk maybe more women would date shorter guys if it wouldn’t mean that their femininity, womanhood and basic humanity is threatened.

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