What is the worst movie in history according to you?

  1. My wife and I have seen some truly terrible movies in theaters and stayed for the entire thing. Doom. Ultraviolet. The Happening. Lady in the Water. Ghostrider. Jonah Hex. The Visit.

    We’ve only walked out of one movie. Dumb and Dumber To. We made it to the train scene and just said “this is boring. Let’s leave.”

  2. I’d have to watch all of the Adam Sandler movies again to come up with a definitive #1 and I’m not that much of a masochist.

  3. Ron Howard’s “Eat My Dust”. This is the only movie I have ever walked out on.

  4. Buffalo Bill in Tomahawk Territory.

    Hard to describe. It has to to be watched to be believed. Horrifyingly terrible. Smoke a blunt first.

  5. Ghosts of Mars was pretty bad. It became the benchmark by which all other shit films were measured by.

    ‘You see that new Liam Neeson movie?’

    ‘Yeah, it was fucking ordinary. Still, it was no Ghosts of Mars.’

  6. “The Last Airbender” managed to be just so… atrociously bad, despite having phenomenal source material.

  7. Pink Flamingos has to be right up there. Sure its a cult classic but an absolutely disgusting film. John Waters needed fucking help.

  8. Rubber, a sentient tire that is telepathic and blows people up with its mind! Also it has sex with a woman and blows her up too!

  9. Dr Doolittle 2 was quite painful.

    Walked out of the new star wars when they had Luke on his little island. They killed my childhood.

  10. Open Water. 10 minutes of “diving couple left behind by boat” followed by 2 hours of said couple… floating in the ocean…

  11. I haven’t watched a lot of movies older than 1980 so I’m sure there’s a lot of suckage that I’m missing. And I’m not including moves that are “so bad they’re good” like The Room. I’d have to give the title to.. The Happening. Partly because it’s just that bad but also because I happened to see it in the theater so I feel scammed out of money by it on top of it just being a bad movie. Also, the person I was with didn’t want to leave the theater in the middle so I had to sit there and stew in all of the horribleness that was the premise and execution of The Happening. Fuck you, M. Knight. Why do they keep giving you money to make movies? Sixth Sense wasn’t THAT good.

    Hey Mark, should they make a sequel?


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