When did you realize you’re no longer the same person as before?

  1. The instant i became parent. That overwhelming feeling of worry and responsability.

  2. Literally every time I’m chatting with my friends about our college days, and remembering how we would come and go at all hours and just did whatever spontaneously. Nearly 30 years later, it takes multiple weeks of planning just to go out to dinner (and we aren’t even married with kids; we’re just old and boring). 😂🤣

  3. While laying in bed next to the person I “loved” thinking about our recent time together and then I realized this is not what I want love to be/feel like.

  4. When I see really old friends from school that I haven’t seen for 10 years or so, that’s when I realise how different I am to the person I was back then. It’s not necessarily visible to me in my everyday life

  5. The fact I can now look back and critique my former self, and learn from that, rather than continuing with my harmful patterns of behaviour. I don’t have to like what I was, but I’m happy that I’ve grown from who I was. It’s small progress, but I’m better for it.

  6. When my ex texted this week using the same old tactics that he’d used to keep me around when we were together. I immediately noticed, called out the manipulation, then shut him down and blocked him. I realized that I had really grown and changed for the better.

  7. Well, just recently.

    Met ppl at a festival. I know, I know them from way earlier days, however it hasn’t clicked yet.

    While that is so, I feel that they did recognise me and that this just a elaborate prank on me…..

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