I’m not sure why but all of my close friends in the group and many others got an invite and have been on the server for years. This is the case for most people who play in our city, except me. And most people on the server know who I am. I don’t know of anyone who isn’t on this server who still plays, in our city. I am known by many people who play Pokemon Go, in our city. Yes – we still play!

I’ve even had people vouch for me to try to get me on, but it never happened until someone accidentally sent me the link yesterday. And when he did, I said ”In. Thanks.” because I thought someone was finally trying to get me in again, but nope. And then he said that that was an accident, deleted the message, and then that a mod or admin may kick me off. I reacted with a thumbs up emoji but in my head, I was like ”Why?”

Before I got kicked off the server (yes – I got kicked off, like my friend said I might), I typed my name in in the search bar of the server, just to see if anyone had said anything about me. There were a few people briefly talking about me for a few messages, but nothing bad was said.

I think it may be because at least one mod/admin just doesn’t like me, and that not everyone always likes each other, but am not sure.

I was interested in joining the server because like I said, most people who play here, including a few close friends of mine, are actively on it and so I can walk to perfect IV Pokemon (strongest Pokemon, stats wise) myself, on Community Days (big events in game, each month), without relying on anyone else.

I know I can’t really do anything, I don’t want to start drama, and that it would be awkward for me to ask them about this. I am really just ranting, but any insight/similar experiences are welcome! I just feel a bit upset, rejected, and left out. I know this is public and am ok with this.

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