I (27F) recently started at a fire department, my (27M) husband is not in the fire service and keeps making comments about the fire service. We’ve been married for a year and together for 3 years. There is an outing where multiple departments are coming together and I want him to come, meet more of my coworkers and to understand why I love what I do. He doesn’t seem to like the fact that I’m in a male dominated field and says he’s not jealous but today he made a comment saying “I don’t want to be around a bunch of firefighters again.” The department I work at has multiple female firefighters and everyone knows I’m married. When we first met I was an EMT in a private ambulance company but I went through paramedic school last year and it was very difficult on our marriage but we got through it. Now it’s as if he doesn’t want to socialize with my coworkers or be involved in my work life. I’m not sure how to fix this because even though we’re had our ups and downs, I don’t want to give up on our marriage. I’ve brought up counseling but he says no, we’ve had multi conversations about this but it seems it all comes back to the same thing. How do I make him understand that this is what I love to do and that his behavior hurts me?

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