I’m not sure how to start this off so let’s just get into it. I have a bf of 11 months and we’ve had our arguments and really toxic moments most of the time it was because of me battling letting go of past trauma. (18♌️M) is very straightforward and blunt and holds me accountable which wasn’t usual for me. Plus he was very supportive, nonjudgmental, and catering. Only downside is we’ve been through the ringer and it’s came to a point where he broke up with me and blocked me on everything except discord and I let him know I still wanted to make things work and so we did. Don’t get me wrong, he’s had his fair share of toxic moments too, I just don’t say much about it because I’ve had more. Sometimes I feel like breaking up because I’m still young and am not sure if I want to be in a committed relationship with him at this age, I still have childish acts. Me and (17♊️M) have chemistry but he’s ghosted me in the past a few times but whenever we reconnect the feelings are always there and the vibe is revived. I have so many joyous moments with him and I bask in his presence. I used to feel this way about (18♌️M), but ever since the breakup things haven’t been feeling how they used to feel and I’ve been f enjoying more moments with (17♊️M) than (18♌️M). When I’m with (18♌️M) even before the breakup I would feel gloomy with some times of sun with him while it’s the opposite with (17♊️M). I like them both but idk if I want (18♌️M)security over (17♊️M) happiness.
SN: (17♊️M) doesn’t live in the same state as me and (18♌️M) but is 1hr flight/7hr drive away. I recently seen him because he had a show in my city, but we met online vs (18♌️M) who I met irl but idk, I feel more alive, and hopeful with (17♊️M)
P.S. Feel free to ask any questions

TL;DR: a teen girls who’s dealing with the issue of liking two guys, one who’s in state, and dates me and another who’s one state away.. I really advise just reading the post

1 comment
  1. Okay nobody cares about your zodiac signs.

    I’m unsure why the only option is toxic guy and guy who ghosts you, there are other options such as being single, and finding people to date that treat you properly.

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