Started talking with a girl that I genuinely felt like I clicked with, we share a fair bit in common but also disagreed on other things too but in a healthy way.
She seemed very interested and excited based on her replies and eager to get to know me. We stayed up all night texting as if we were in highschool, the vibes were immaculate and I thought she was rlly into me based on all her compliments and how we got rlly personal in opening up to one another. But the day after she barely showed any of her past energy. She’d leave me on delivered for a day, then only reply to what I said without any effort to keep the convo going (I think I tried to be as interesting as I could to keep the convo alive. I thought she might just be busy for the time being, but it’s been a week and nothing has changed and i feel kinda pathetic tryna cling onto what little hope of a rl there might have been based on our initial convo.
Should I just cut my losses and just recognize her actions clearly show lack of interest, or be a bit more mature and ask her about it? (Btw she did ask if I wanted a rl and I replied ” | didn’t at first but I’m interested enough in you to be open to it” which she said she would ” like that”, just to give more context)

TLDR: Talking to a girl, we both showed we were both rlly into each other at first, but then she doesn’t reciprocate any energy into the talking to get to know each other and takes a day to reply for each text, now I don’t know if I should cut it off and move on or talk to her about it

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