I honestly dont know what else to do or where else to turn… Ive spent my life trying to find something…ANYTHING that would give me that drive to do something… but after another failed venture… i realize I have nothing. I am a failure of a man… a son, brother and human. I am not motivated to do anything, but terrified of being homeless… honestly… id rather just not exist at this point.. I despise being miserable and giving my time and energy to shit i dont care about, money and stuff has never motivated me and I am at the end of my rope. I think about giving the majority of my time and energy to something I hate and have no passion in for the next 40-50 years as disgusting and would rather just die if thats my fate…My family cant help…they dont understand where im coming from and dont know what else to do with me… I know Im alone…I guess im just looking for something… advice.. help… idk …

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