My (29f) husband (29m) have been together for 7+ years and while he’s on deployment he decided he doesn’t want to be married anymore, I agreed (this wasn’t the first time he said this and I’m just exhausted fighting it) but then a week later he changed his mind, I said I didn’t and he was “heart broken” even though this is the 5 time he broke my heart. Somehow he managed to be a medical escort and was able to fly home “to save his marriage” for 10days, but he met some chick at the airport and went on a date with her the day after he got back. Was messaging her the whole time and sent her fucking flowers for Valentine’s Day. All the while telling me how much he loved me and hopes I change my mind and trying to get into my bed every night to cuddle cuz he was sad. If my choice to leave him wasn’t solidified it sure the fuck it now…
Also we was 2 kids (3 and 5)

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