How do you feel after acting out inappropiately while drunk/high?

  1. It depends on what I did. Shame is sometimes a good feeling, but it should be a feeling that helps make you learn from what you did.

  2. Meh, it’s usually with family/close friends so I’ll ignore it if they do.

  3. Depends.

    Usually, I won’t be the only one or the messiest one so it’s more of of a camaraderie, “man last night was wild” morning after debrief type of thing over brunch.

    If I was the messiest then I’ll be super embarrassed…but honestly the one or two times that’s been the case nobody really knows how bad I was until I tell them.

  4. It does depend on what I did. But most times, I feel Im a developing alcoholic because I feel better drunk. Like, I feel happy and courageous. I could tell my feelings openly. I feel free.

  5. I got wasted at a wedding once and started talking about horse cocks, family was there and everything

    We just pretend it never happened and never spoke about it ever again

    All you can really do LOL

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