I met this guy at the gym, he was chasing at first and asked for my instagram. I did not reject him i just do not have one because I dont use social media (besides reddit). He was respectful and we kept things friendly after that, he was still chasing me and trying to ask me out for a while and finally I thought okay why not give him a chance, I started being more open and talking to him throughout my workout, I even suggested we get brunch together. Anyway, last night i told him i was going to stretch at the end of my workout, he said he never stretched so i invited him to join me – we went to a secluded room to stretch and I we started talking, at one point I felt an instant behavioural switch. This guy who was once was scared to talk to me was so full of himself, it’s like he took me for granted all of a sudden. He was laying down sleeping at one point, flexing his biceps acting all douchey while i was teaching him how to stretch. (Borderline disrespectful) and at the end when I wished him a good night he just kind of waved and laughed to himself.

Does anybody have an explanation for this? This makes it hard for me to open up to men.

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