I’m a 23 year old male virgin who never had a real kiss. I’ve done a pecker before but that was in high school. I’m not bad looking but just never had much friends and dating girls just never happened. Recently I got a number of a really good looking girl who has had a few boyfriends in the past so I think it’s obvious she’s experienced. I wanna text her but I’m very insecure and obviously don’t want to tell her about my inexperience but I’m also nervous I won’t be able to kiss correctly or perform in bed as well as her previous boyfriends. Do you guys and girls think I should find someone not as experienced or go for it and hope for the best?

  1. Don’t tell her you’re not experienced unless it comes up… you should be good otherwise

  2. I’m in pretty much the same spot but as a 23 year old woman (I have kissed a few people but I am a virgin). I wouldn’t worry too much about the kiss, I didn’t know what I was doing the first time and I did fine. Just go with the rhythm and please for the love of all that is holy do not try to tongue her until you are comfortable kissing regularly.

    For the sex, I would research the female body before you do anything (you would be surprised how many sexually experienced men don’t know how the female orgasm works). I personally would tell her that you are a virgin before doing anything (though maybe not on the first date). She will likely be more patient with you that way. Make sure to ask her what she has enjoyed with partners in the past, think erogenous zones, positions, etc. I wouldn’t worry about being bad in bed. Just take it slow, buy some lube, and make sure you don’t rush foreplay (unless she tells you otherwise).

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