Would you say that all the states get along well, or is there some rivalries between certain states?

I am from England, which is obviously a LOT smaller than America. And because of the small size, we don’t have loads of states that have a range of accents and cultures (although some cities across England have their own identities…).

So I was just wondering if there were any states that don’t always see eye to eye.

  1. Everyone hates whatever the state is that people can easily afford to move to their community.

    Wealthy/high cost of living states’ residents often move to low cost of living states, either permanently or for vacation homes. This causes resentment.

    There’s definitely political differences but when there’s no close interaction it’s not much of a thing, add people moving around and then people get very testy. There’s a lot of scapegoating — any issue is because of new residents.

  2. Southern states were/are transporting illegal immigrants to northern cities over the loud objections of the northern cities mayors.

    So it isn’t a perfect relationship.

  3. There are always political problems between the states, the federal government, and each other.

    But for the most part the states get along well, because they have to. The federal government regulates interstate trade, and states are not allowed to close their borders to each other. As a result, goods and people flow freely all over the country.

  4. Aside from sports rivalries, I’d say so. There’s definitely a bigger divide of rural and urban (generally):

  5. There’s a certain state due north that if I had my way would sink directly back into the lakes from whence it came.

  6. There are definitely disputes between neighboring states when it comes to attracting new business, such as building factories. Some states give huge tax breaks to corporations or sports franchises.

  7. Look, you know how you have a little brother that you torment? You pick on him cause its funny? But the second anyone else tries to pick on him, you beat their ass? Yeah. That.

  8. There are definitely some states that have some antagonisms toward other states. Some states have passed laws regarding gender identity issues that other states find so offensive that they prohibited travel to the offending states by public employees. There’s also a significant amount of legal tension between certain states regarding the differences in abortion laws.

    Some border states have been shipping illegal immigrants to other states, just putting them on busses or planes and having them show up in a none border state to be taken care of. It’s an antagonistic publicity move to try to score political points.

    As far as regular citizens go there is some mostly good natured teasing between some states, as well as some intense sports rivalries especially in college football.

  9. I live in Massachusetts, we get along with every state…except those fucks in Connecticut.

    When I lived in Nebraska, we got along with every state…except those fucks in Iowa

    When I lived in Maryland, we got along with every state…except those fucks in Virginia.

    And when I lived in Virginia…fuck those Maryland fucks

  10. > And because of the small size, we don’t have loads of states that have a range of accents and cultures

    You don’t have states, but to say there are no regional identities, accents, and cultures in England is absurd. Don’t Liverpool and Manchester have a famous rivalry?

    As a New Yorker, I have a rivalry with New Jersey.

  11. I would say that there’s more animosity between different levels of government. Like the city police might not be so excited to work with the county sheriff’s office and definitely less excited about working with the state troopers or the FBI. I feel like law enforcement is kind of the worst about this, there’s always this big fear about other groups moving in on your jurisdiction

  12. What do you mean by get along well? There are state rivalries, and there are certainly stark political differences, but we all recognize that we’re all american. California and Texas are two states that are known for hating each other, one is liberal the other conservative, but there’s no bad blood if a Texan and a Californian meet. They’re clown on each other’s states’ laws, but no real hatred for each other.

  13. yea for the most part.

    i mean everyone hates that one state, i wont name it but we all know which one, and we all know why.

  14. If you’re on the right, you irrationally hate California and maybe New York. If you’re on the left, Texas and Florida. The more extreme you are, add in PNW and NE, or the South, respectively.

  15. Years ago – nearly 20 – there was a bit of a kerfluffke in the Texas House. To prevent a rather odious set of bills from passing, the Democrat representatives fled the state, denying the the House enough members to form a quorum and vote on the bills.

    Most people could admire the gumption needed to flee the state, even the ones who disagreed with the political reasons, BUT THEY WENT TO OKLAHOMA.

    No joke, that was the take-away. Good on them for pulling a fast one BUT WHY OKLAHOMA?

    We get along the way many families get along. Fight among ourselves, but united against outsiders.

  16. No, absolutely not. There are *very* different cultures among states. It’s just that we all have the same common federal government.

  17. Every state has another state where they claim incest is practiced. Virginia has West Virgina. Louisiana has Mississippi. Texas has Oklahoma. I once asked a California man who the incest-state was in CA, and he said, “Mexico.”

  18. I feel like a lot of people in the replies are downplaying the rivalry between states. For example, there is a very, very real animosity towards Californians from people in red states. Like, not a played up rivalry where people pretend to be angrier than they really are for comedic effect. I’m talking genuine hatred.

  19. I believe the Toledo war between Ohio and Michigan is the only time 2 states faced off directly.

  20. Any rivalries are mostly friendly, it’s sort of a meme to hate New York / California / Florida / Illinois / Texas but few are serious about it.
    We don’t get it as often on this side of the state but I always like Kansas people who hate Missouri. Just something fun about it.

  21. New Mexico and Texas doesn’t see eye to eye and haven’t even prior to becoming states.

  22. I think of states like siblings. We fight, we bicker, we argue, but at the end of the day, you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us.

  23. For the most part, yes. But very red states vs very blue states are a problem. Like Florida and Texas vs California and New York. But overall we still get along. Politics can get harry though.

  24. I’d say Oregon and Washington get along, but that’s only because Washington is so *inferior* to the beautiful and amazing state of Oregon.

    I’m not biased at all tho.

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  26. To hear how Brits talk about, make fun of, and talk about each other’s accents one would think you have more differing accents than we do.

  27. Most contentions are between the states and the federal government if anything. Interstate disputes are much less common. Well, unless you count New York and New Jersey fighting over who owns Liberty Island. See the CGP Grey video on YouTube about that one.

  28. I have seen cars vandalized at trailheads just because they have California license plates.

    Not just broken windows, but anti-California messages scratched in the paint.

  29. From what I’ve gathered by watching UK tv shows and reading reddit, you guys are able to pick out exactly where someone is from very quickly like to the city level.

    Not so much here, you can tell sometimes what region someone is from but never anything as nuanced as you guys.

    Also from what I gather people in the US move around much much more than in the UK so take the regionalism that you guys have and dilute it down pretty far and that’s the US.

    The only rivalries we related to states are usually sports.

  30. I never realized how much people hate people my state (and by association, me) until I left my state as a young adult.

    I keep it private since it seems to make others view me as this wealthy interloper despite the fact I barely have enough money to pay rent.

  31. Well, we’re still here. So we haven’t had any big enough disagreements that demanded a second Civil War in the past century and a half. So that’s good

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